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Вселенная Star Citizen - Система Осирис

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Ownership: Developing
Planets: 2
Planetary Orbital Periods: 345 SED (Etos)
Import: None
Export: None
Crime Status: Medium
Black Market: Biologics
UEE Strategic Value:

Osiris is a small system featuring only two planets: the inhabited Etos (Osiris I) and an outer gas giant that has become ideal for refueling. Etos has not been settled by humanity and remains largely uncontested by the galaxy’s other races. Scientists believe that Etos I is capable of eventually being terraformed.

Etos is located on the edge of the habitable zone very close to Osiris’ star. Life on Etos is primarily nocturnal, with the Etosian equivalent of higher primates just starting to appear. More advanced life on Etos has evolved an interesting adaptation, a thick rubber-like skin that protects it from the star’s damaging radiation. Other life forms have evolved to avoid the sun altogether, living in complete darkness in the planet’s extensive network of underground caves.

Although Etos is technically protected by UEE mandate, little is done to guard the planet from poachers or other criminals who wish to use it as a base.

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