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  » Sword of the Stars 2 | страница 145
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Космические Миры: «Sword of the Stars 2»
 50 EGP

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Сообщения: 9

Зарегистрирован: 17.02.2015
klopizh :
Hyperion8 :
Когда начинается бой, проходит стандартный отсчет, секунды 3 вроде, потом происходит вспышка и все корабли в каком-то радиусе погибают, причем подрываются как корабли с улучшеной маскировкой, так и корабли с 4 щитами и всеми апгрейдами на них, фича в том, что это случается только если нападаешь с определенного направления, если напасть с другой стороны ничего не случается, планета минтарр вроде, щас не могу точно посмотреть. Версия игры куплена в стиме недели 2 назад. Играю за морриги. Я не думаю что это баг, я думаю что это фичаУлыбка и я тоже так хочу, собственно почему вопрос про мины и был.

Это Node Cannon, технология уникальна для зуулов, захватить не получится

По визуальным эффектам не похоже + не было кораблей противника рядом.
    Добавлено: 16:41 27-02-2015   
 220 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(245)
Репутация: 48
Сообщения: 887
Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Это Node Maw -
Пасть узлового пространства. Активируется в точках входа.
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 02:14 28-02-2015   
 52 EGP

Репутация: 3
Сообщения: 17

Зарегистрирован: 15.05.2015
Вопрос про пиратство.
Как устраивать пакости пиратами?
Изучил тех и ничего.
И вопрос вдогонку. Полиция снижает шанс атаки пиратами?
    Добавлено: 15:11 27-12-2015   
 70 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 2(16)
Репутация: 8
Сообщения: 146

Зарегистрирован: 16.05.2014
Solomandra :

И вопрос вдогонку. Полиция снижает шанс атаки пиратами?

Насколько я помню да, снижает. Вплоть до нуля может снизить вероятность атаки (от числа кораблей полиции зависит). Вот только давно это было и там столько патчей было накручено, что стопроцентно не гарантирую точность этой инфы.
    Добавлено: 10:37 28-12-2015   
 220 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(245)
Репутация: 48
Сообщения: 887
Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Если я правильно помню, там для каждой системы с торговлей расчитывается и проверяется шанс атаки пиратов. Базовый шанс 2%.

Полицейские катера, базы флота и теха "Convoy Systems" уменьшают этот шанс. Статус системы - "открытая" или "закрытая" - влияет на эффективность катеров (меньше и больше соотв.). Также шанс уменьшается, если система является частью провинции.
Пиратские базы и просто наличие зуулов рядом - увеличивает шанс рейда.
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 18:46 28-12-2015   
 52 EGP

Репутация: 3
Сообщения: 17

Зарегистрирован: 15.05.2015
Про полицию понятно. Но зачем нужна теха пиратство?
Пиратские базы появляютя рэндомно? Как их обнаружить?

Про ползунок Население-Биосфера, непонятно как с ним играться. Понятно, что биосфера влияет на псионическую силу, но на что псионическая сила влияет? Тупо выкручивать ползунок на макс населения?

Зачем нужны провинции, какой от них толк кроме одного из способа победы?

Последний раз редактировалось: Solomandra (16:49 29-12-2015), всего редактировалось 3 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 09:43 29-12-2015   
 80 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 2(23)
Репутация: 8
Сообщения: 657

Зарегистрирован: 26.05.2013
Псионика влияет на способности флота к различным псионическим пакостям, которые открываются технологиями. В принципе Биосфера особенно не нужна, никогда псионикой не пользовался, хороший лазер сто очков форы ей даст Гы-гы

добавлено спустя 1 минуту:
Пиратскую базу можно обнаружить только послав разведку в систему. Учащение нападений пиратов в какой-нибудь системе, означает, что неподалёку от неё находится база.

добавлено спустя 1 минуту:
Провинция увеличивает налоговые поступления в бюджет, причём значительно, а так же немного уменьшает вероятность нападения пиратов.

Последний раз редактировалось: nightpatrol (14:09 05-01-2016), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 14:09 05-01-2016   
Grey W
 123 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 3(30)
Репутация: 25
Сообщения: 1268
Откуда: Odessa
Зарегистрирован: 08.06.2010
Технология пиратства позволяет отправлять в торговые сектора соседей своих рейдеров, чтоб они грабили торговцев. Не помню, приносит ли это какой то доход. Скорее всего нет.
Cmdr Grey Wolfhound
    Добавлено: 18:58 05-01-2016   
 52 EGP

Репутация: 3
Сообщения: 17

Зарегистрирован: 15.05.2015
в SOTS2 вроде нет торговых секторов.
Что куда отправлять не понятно.
    Добавлено: 12:04 15-01-2016   
 88 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 4(63)
Репутация: 16
Сообщения: 284

Зарегистрирован: 01.07.2010
Solomandra :
в SOTS2 вроде нет торговых секторов.
Что куда отправлять не понятно.

Слева внизу под значком звездочки переключаются режимы отображения карты. После изучения технологий торговли появляется режим отображения торговых секторов.
    Добавлено: 17:12 15-01-2016   
 61 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(5)
Репутация: 2
Сообщения: 192

Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2013
Добороо времени суток.
Насколько я понял поддержку игры Церберы прекратили. Правда надо отдать им должное до более менее вменяемого состояния они её все таки довели. Однако есть ощущениие, что там ещё много чего можно и нужно допилить. Отсюда вопроа нет ли для SofS 2 каких нибудь фанатских патчей?
    Добавлено: 11:34 15-03-2016   
 72 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 9
Сообщения: 154
Откуда: г.Санкт-петербург
Зарегистрирован: 09.01.2006
ss39 :
Добороо времени суток.
Насколько я понял поддержку игры Церберы прекратили. Правда надо отдать им должное до более менее вменяемого состояния они её все таки довели. Однако есть ощущениие, что там ещё много чего можно и нужно допилить. Отсюда вопроа нет ли для SofS 2 каких нибудь фанатских патчей?

Патчей нету но есть моды. Тут можно посмотреть что и как:

Последний раз редактировалось: alexxey (15:13 30-03-2016), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 15:12 30-03-2016   
 72 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 9
Сообщения: 154
Откуда: г.Санкт-петербург
Зарегистрирован: 09.01.2006
Вопрос знатокам английского языка. Решил тут поставить мод SOTSII Reforged V1.24.2 но так и не разобрался как его установить... Устанавливал по инструкции с помощью translate.google.ru но видимо что то не правильно и при запуске игры выдает ошибку.

Вообщем то вот инструкция по установке:

Installation Instructions:
1. Back up your SOTSII files so you can remove mod if you'd like.
2. For the global files in the base folder (ex. commonassets) simply copy/paste over existing files. (These are all the files that aren't in a subfolder. They just go directly into the Sword of the Stars II\assets\base folder and replace the corresponding files.)
3. For the "Data" folder merge and replace the two files within the matching folder. (overwriting the existing Names and StarSystemVars files you find there)
4. For the "Factions" folders:
1. Overwrite fleet_templates and section_preferences with new files.
2. Replace faction file with the matching faction file for each race. (this is the faction file for each faction in their subfolder for example factions/morrigi/faction.xml)
3. Replace entire section folder with the new section folder for each race. (tree should be something like factions/morrigi/sections)
4. Make sure you do the Morrigi Relics faction as well or the game will crash when you fight them. (don't skip this or you will ctd when you find these guys)
5. ***EOF folders are rolled into the base game folders for this mod. Use the EOF section file (blank file)for all factions and delete any ship sections in each modded race's eof section folder. (your sections files should just have the section.xml file. all other sections are included in my mode in the base files)
5. For the "Locale" replace en strings file with my file. (this is assets/base/locale/en. Source of the naming conventions)
6. For the "starmaps" folder add my new maps to your existing folder.
7. For the "tech" folder replace techtree file with my file.
8. For the "weapons" folder:
1. Merge my icons file into your folder replacing as requested.
2. Delete all weapons from weapons file and replace with my files. (note some weapons in file won't be visible in game. this fixes a CTD on the background combat at the start)
3. Delete all weapons from EOF weapons folder but leave icons. (they are all in base in my version)

Больше всего интересует 5 пункт (5. ***EOF folders)

Ссылка на сам мод: http://www.kerberos-productions.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=54589

Последний раз редактировалось: alexxey (19:43 30-03-2016), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 19:42 30-03-2016   
 1605 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(131)
Репутация: 219
Сообщения: 16511
Откуда: 79°W 44°N
Зарегистрирован: 29.01.2002
Телепаты в отпуске, какую "при запуске игры выдает ошибку" ?
У меня бисера не доxеpа.
    Добавлено: 21:34 30-03-2016   
 72 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 9
Сообщения: 154
Откуда: г.Санкт-петербург
Зарегистрирован: 09.01.2006
Shirson :
Телепаты в отпуске, какую "при запуске игры выдает ошибку" ?

Лог ошибки под спойлером:

 Cкрытый текст   (кликните здесь для просмотра)
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] MARS2 32-bit Retail Environment 2.0.25104.1
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Last built on Aug 22 2014 16:06:55
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] CWD:
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\bin\x86
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Args:
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\bin\x86\mars.exe
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -nSword of the Stars II
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -g..\..\assets
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +deployed
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -w1980
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -h1020
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -locale:en
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +window
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +fwindow
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +rfxaa
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -rbloom
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +rfblur
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +rrefract
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +rocclude
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +planetgen
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] +rdecal
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -console
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] -rmipbias0
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [test] All unit tests begin.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [test] All unit tests end. Time (secs): CPU 0.000000 Wall 0.000000.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Application window initialized.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [d3d10] Context initialized (DriverType=0).
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mount points will be configured for deployment.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] MOUNT FAILED: [base_ru] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base_ru
W (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] MOUNT FAILED: [base_de] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base_de
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [base] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [eof] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\eof
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_human] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_human
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_hiver] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_hiver
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_tarkas] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_tarkas
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_liir_zuul] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_liir_zuul
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_morrigi] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_morrigi
T (2016/03/30 21:40:49) [app] Mounted path: [dlc_zuul] E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\dlc_zuul
T (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [phys] Engine Initialize start: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sword of the Stars II\assets\base.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [phys] Engine initialized.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'SupplyIcon'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'PowerIcon'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'CrewIcon'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'RightBannerCap'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonLC'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonFill'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonRC'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'AvatarFrameTRC'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonLC'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonFill'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'ButtonRC'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Budget_ring'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Budget_glow'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Budget_ref'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'Hiver_Badge_11'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'liir_badge_11'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'adaptive_tracking'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'GreenLazer'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'advanced_leviathan_construction'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'col_crybaby'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'col_flock'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Ignoring redefiniton of sprite 'col_tarpit'.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_SingleFleetDetails' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_SystemInfo' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_DefenceLayout' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_CurrentResearch' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_AllFleetLocations' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_LastDesignsBuilt' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_NewestColonyPosition' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_CurrentAdmirals' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_HighestTradeSystem' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_PsionicPower' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_NavalStationDetails' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_PlayerTreaties' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_LastMissions' is not a valid template definition.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [gui] Template 'dialogIntelSuccess_LastAlliancePms' is not a valid template definition.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [state] Preparing SplashState for transition from nothing.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [eng] Network init. [eng\mars_eng_network.cpp:74]
T (2016/03/30 21:40:50) [state] Entering SplashState.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:51) [data] The node IsPolice could not be parsed in ShipSection. The default 'False' will be used for the variable.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [data] Reloading common strings for locale: en
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] Steam initialized app ID: 42990
W (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] Requesting steam stats.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] DLC content available:
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] HiverAndTarkasImmersionPack
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] LiirAndMorrigiImmersionPack
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] SolForceImmersionPack
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] TheHordeImmersionPack
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [steam] End.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [asset] CreateStream failed for '\base\factions\ai\materials.xml~'.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:52) [state] Preparing MainMenuState for transition from SplashState.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=NAVAL, stationLevel=3)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=NAVAL, stationLevel=3)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=0, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Creating game turn length: 3.402823E+38
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 1 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 2 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [net] ***** CHANGING LOCAL PLAYER FROM 0 TO 1
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=3, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=4, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=5, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=5, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=6, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=6, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=7, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=8, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=8, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=8, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=9, stationType=NAVAL, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=10, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=10, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=10, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=11, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=12, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=13, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=14, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=14, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=14, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=15, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=16, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Spawning EE_GARDENERS at 1261
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Spawning EE_GARDENERS at 1263
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 3 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 4 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 5 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 6 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 7 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 8 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 9 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 10 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 11 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 12 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 13 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 14 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 15 added.
T (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [game] Player 16 added.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:53) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=1, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [data] DesignsCache.OnInsert: DesignInfo does not supply any DesignSections (player=2, stationType=INVALID_TYPE, stationLevel=0)
T (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [state] Exiting MainMenuState.
W (2016/03/30 21:40:54) [game] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStates.MainMenuScene.Exit()

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStates.MainMenuState.OnExit(GameState prev, ExitReason reason)

at Kerberos.Sots.GameState.Exit(GameState next, ExitReason reason)

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStateMachine.PrepareGameStateCore(GameState value, Object[] parms)

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStateMachine.PrepareGameState(GameState value, Object[] parms)

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStateMachine.SwitchGameState(GameState value, Object[] parms)

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStates.SplashState.OnUpdate()

at Kerberos.Sots.GameStateMachine.Update()

at Kerberos.Sots.App.Update()
W (2016/03/30 21:41:00) [log] An error occurred. Refer to the log and associated minidump files for more information:

C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Sword of the Stars II\log\log-20160330214049.txt
C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Sword of the Stars II\log\log-20160330214049.txt.dmp
    Добавлено: 21:46 30-03-2016   
 1605 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(131)
Репутация: 219
Сообщения: 16511
Откуда: 79°W 44°N
Зарегистрирован: 29.01.2002
Когда запускаешь игру, открой ТаскМанагер, и посмотри, сколько она памяти отгрызает, на момент вылета.
У меня бисера не доxеpа.
    Добавлено: 22:23 30-03-2016   
 72 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 9
Сообщения: 154
Откуда: г.Санкт-петербург
Зарегистрирован: 09.01.2006
Shirson :
Когда запускаешь игру, открой ТаскМанагер, и посмотри, сколько она памяти отгрызает, на момент вылета.

150-200 mb
    Добавлено: 22:57 30-03-2016   
 64 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 3(49)
Репутация: 2
Сообщения: 258

Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2008
скорее всего какие то папки не туда скопировал или из старых что то не удалил, у мода очень путанная установка в свое время тоже парился с ним в итоге таки все запустилось сделал настройки игры, карты, ИИ противников и при нажатии кнопки старт меня выкинуло на рабочий стол в общем снес этот мод к чертям
    Добавлено: 12:15 31-03-2016   
 72 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 9
Сообщения: 154
Откуда: г.Санкт-петербург
Зарегистрирован: 09.01.2006
RiscoUK :
скорее всего какие то папки не туда скопировал или из старых что то не удалил, у мода очень путанная установка в свое время тоже парился с ним в итоге таки все запустилось сделал настройки игры, карты, ИИ противников и при нажатии кнопки старт меня выкинуло на рабочий стол в общем снес этот мод к чертям

Да вроде все сделал правильно. Запустить я его все таки запустил 2 дня мучился.
Методом так сказать исключения нашел там пару строк которые нужно было добавить, а другие поменять. Вообщем гемора было много но вроде все работает.)
Если нужно скину пару измененных файлов с которыми должно работать.

Последний раз редактировалось: alexxey (15:08 31-03-2016), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 15:07 31-03-2016   
 64 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 3(49)
Репутация: 2
Сообщения: 258

Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2008
не спасибо пока играю в сектор зеро и поларис изучаю а в мае уже и стеларис подоспеет
    Добавлено: 11:15 01-04-2016   
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